Our General Surgery / Minimally Invasive Surgery Program

We offer a wide range of minimally invasive procedures to help those in need of prompt, non-emergency surgical care. We perform surgery in our hospital setting – one of the most advanced in the country. Virtually every surgery is performed in a minimally invasive manner, robotically, reducing recovery time, blood loss, and pain. Some of the many general surgery procedures we offer include:

Hernia Repair:

Hernias can start as mildly painful, requiring a simple corrective surgical procedure. However, if left untreated, they can become extremely painful and may ultimately require a far more complex repair. Repairing a hernia as soon as possible is often the best course of action, so speak to your medical team as soon as you suspect a hernia. Learn more about hernia repair.

Acid Reflux / GERD Surgery

Over 14 million people suffer from acid reflux. Most cases can be controlled with medications, which often have unpleasant side effects. We offer a permanent surgical repair for those who do not wish to remain on medication for the rest of their lives or whose GERD is particularly aggressive. Learn more about Acid Reflux / GERD surgery.

Gallbladder Surgery

For those who require the removal of their gall bladder, we offer a minimally invasive Cholecystectomy surgical procedure. The gallbladder removal may also be performed during a primary bariatric surgical procedure. Learn more about gallbladder removal.

Choosing a general surgeon experienced in the procedure you need is one of the most important decisions that you can make. Please get in touch with us to schedule a consultation and learn more about the minimally invasive surgical options available to you.